Day Pitney LLP
Real Estate, Environmental and Land Use
Day Pitney's real estate, environmental, and land use lawyers offer a full spectrum of legal services. Representative clients include international, national, regional, and local entities as well as individuals. We provide legal counsel to a broad range of commercial enterprises, including utilities (energy, water, telecommunications), manufacturing companies, academic institutions, hospitality and retail companies, lending institutions, property owners, and real estate developers.
Real estate, environmental, and land use services include:
* Complex financings of major projects
* Acquisition, disposition, and leasing of all types of real estate
* Assemblage of land parcels for project sites
* Joint venture and other agreements
* Construction and permanent financing
* Contracts for construction, design, and development
* Land use and development analyses, including related permits and approvals
* Brownfields redevelopment
* Negotiation of complex public/private partnerships
* Regulatory compliance
* Complex corporate and real estate transactions
Our environmental and land use litigators are able to assist with whatever legal challenges you may face. Our extensive and comprehensive experience includes matters in the following areas:
* Regulatory enforcement
* Personal injury, property damage, and business interruption
* Toxic tort litigation and class actions
* Defense of Potentially Responsible Parties
* Cost recovery and allocation litigation and negotiation
* Defense of criminal environmental actions
* Zoning, valuation, and other real property-related litigation
* Tax appeals and foreclosures
* Workouts and restructurings
* Condemnations involving environmental contamination
* Environmental ADR and mediation
Day Pitney's real estate, environmental, and land use lawyers have the experience to handle your litigation, transactional, and regulatory matters. You are assured attention that meets, and even anticipates, your needs. Our depth of bench and geographical reach provide an ability to deliver on this commitment in an efficient and comprehensive manner.
Day Pitney LLP
242 Trumbull St
Hartford CT 06103
Tel: 860 275-0100
Fax: 860 275-0343
Boston | Connecticut | New Jersey | New York | Washington, DC
Day Pitney is a full-service law firm committed to the highest standards of client service for businesses, financial institutions, government entities, and individuals.
