Rome McGuigan PC
Representing the Rights of Real Estate Clients in Connecticut and Across the Country
Our real estate clients use the law firm of Rome McGuigan because of the experience, skill and efficiency we bring to achieve their varied real estate objectives. Every aspect of real estate development – financing, conveyancing and permitting – is handled in the signature Rome McGuigan way – responsive and expertly efficient, in accomplishing the results the client has identified. For more information, please see the areas of our real estate practice listed below or contact our office today.
Development From Start to Finish
Our developer clients frequently involve us in development planning prior to the identification of a final real estate parcel. We assist our clients with the initial investigations, permitting issues, environmental issues, and government relations to determine how a site satisfies our clients' various requirements and expectations. Following the determination of the subject site, we work closely with our clients on the negotiation and preparation of the acquisition documentation, communicating regularly with our client on all aspects of zoning, permitting, financing and leasing. These open lines of communication enable us to effectively assist our client in dealing with its development professionals, including construction companies, architects and engineers.
Real Estate Financing
We represent state and national lenders in the financing of all forms of real estate including hotel, multi-family properties, commercial real estate, and industrial real estate. Because of our experience in developer representation, we understand the practical aspects of development and are able to deliver to our lending clients practical and effective alternate resolutions to difficult development transactions to afford our client the opportunity to get the deal done.
Commercial Finance
Our attorneys have more than 20 years of experience representing both lenders and borrowers in commercial financing transactions of all levels of complexity. We have found that understanding both perspectives in these financings to be invaluable. Negotiations become quicker, less contentious and much less costly when there is an appreciation of the other party's key concerns. We bring those experiences and insights to each transaction in our effort to provide our client with additional value.
Industry-Specific Experience
* Affordable Housing: We represent numerous clients in connection with the acquisition, development, operations, and sales of affordable housing projects throughout the country. These include for-profit, not-for-profit and joint venture clients. We regularly interact with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, state and local housing agencies and state and local housing finance authorities. We regularly represent clients in connection with low income housing tax credits, new market tax credits and historic tax credits. A representative list of affordable housing transactions can be found here.
* Shopping Center Development: We represent several developers in connection with their acquisition, creation or re-development of shopping center projects. We regularly represent developers in their lease negotiations for national credit tenants, "big box" retailers, as well as family-owned businesses.
* Public Finance: We regularly represent borrowers, lenders, underwriters, trustees, and bond investors in connection with both public and private bond issues for the acquisition, construction, or re-development of real estate projects. We have successfully closed on numerous bond issues from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, Connecticut Health, Education and Facilities Authority, Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, and other bond issuers in the state of Connecticut and nationally. We also served as borrower's counsel in connection with the very first bond issue offered by a Native American tribe.
* Municipal Experience: We serve as outside town attorney for a number of towns in the state of Connecticut and frequently represent them in connection with diverse real estate matters, such as property tax appeals, site acquisition and development, tax lien sales and foreclosures, land use permitting, creation of historic districts and enforcement of their regulations, and numerous other real estate matters that require a town's involvement. Our municipal experience provides our attorneys with a unique understanding complex zoning, land development and property tax matters as well as the concerns and objectives of the municipalities.
* Native American Issues: We have represented numerous Native American tribes in connection with their real estate development efforts including casino and hotel development, shopping center development, golf course and resort-related developments, and reservation-related improvements such as housing and infrastructure (roadways, water and sewer, etc.) issues.
Rome McGuigan PC
1 State St
Hartford CT 06103
Tel: 860 549-1000; 866 558-6182
Fax: 860 724-3921
Connecticut Business Litigation Attorney | Hartford Appellate Lawyer | New London Family Law Attorney
If you need an experienced, responsive attorney in Hartford, Connecticut, call Rome McGuigan.
