Morrison Mahoney LLP
Professional Liability
Morrison Mahoney LLP's Professional and Commercial Practices Group is comprised of attorneys who specialize in the counseling and representation of professionals and businesses. Our representation of professionals in a wide variety of disciplines has given us the advantage of having seen the circumstances and issues which give rise to disputes, and thus allows us to assist clients in avoiding or defending against those same types of claims. As attorneys involved in the litigation of all facets of commercial disputes, we are also uniquely qualified to provide guidance to professionals and businesses regarding the operation of their enterprises. By imparting our experience with the spectrum of potential problems stemming from professional and commercial relationships, we enable our clients to learn from others’ situations.
Morrison Mahoney LLP has dedicated over a half-century to the defense of all professionals, including insurance agents and brokers, attorneys, architects and engineers, accountants, securities brokers, and real estate professionals. We have represented these individuals and firms throughout the Northeast in a wide variety of cases with an extremely high success rate. From our years of experience, we understand the needs of professionals, and are able to offer them experienced, knowledgeable, and cost-effective legal services. Working with our clients and often their insurance carriers as well, we utilize a team approach to professional claims resolution. Where appropriate, we can assist in obtaining a quick solution through use of alternative dispute resolution. Conversely, we are prepared for all aspects of professional liability litigation.
* Accountants
* Design Professionals
* Directors & Officers
* Hospital & Medical Malpractice
* Legal Malpractice
* Real Estate Agents and Brokers
Legal Malpractice
Our reputation for success in this area has allowed us to have the opportunity to defend more attorneys in the Northeast than any other law firm practicing in this area. Our clients range from sole practitioners to multinational firms and have involved us in the defense of civil, administrative and criminal matters. We also represent clients before professional licensing boards and state and federal administrative agencies regarding all types of disciplinary matters. In addition to representing attorneys, Morrison Mahoney LLP provides guidance and counsel to attorneys throughout New England through a risk management program established by one of the region’s largest professional liability insurers. As a result of this unique position, we enjoy a high rate of success in handling dispositive motions, trials, and appeals. Our attorneys are frequent panelists for local and national bar association presentations, as well as other professional associations, lecturing on the latest developments involving legal malpractice.
Morrison Mahoney LLP
1 Constitution Plaza - 10th floor
Hartford CT 06103
Tel: 860 616-4441
Fax: 860 244-3800
Drawing on sixty years of service and ten offices throughout the Northeast and in London, Morrison Mahoney LLP is the region's leading trial, litigation, and business service firm.
