Milagros S Cruz
Questions about deportation? Uncertain about your immigration status? Confused with the immigration laws?
I understand and will listen to your concerns. I provide personal legal services.
Legal Services/Servicios Legales
* Immigration
* Deportation and Removal Defense
* Citizenship
Milagros S Cruz LLC
2074 Park St - 2nd floor
Hartford CT 06106
Tel: 860 573-3030
Fax: 860 760-6283
About Us
* Member, American Immigration Lawyers Association
* Member, Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association, Former President
* Member, Connecticut Bar Association
* James W. Cooper Fellow, Connecticut Bar Foundation, 2010
* Adjunct Professor, University of Hartford, Legal Studies
* American Inns Of Court, Barrister
* American Leadership Forum Class XVI
* Member, Commission to study the grievance process 1999-2000
* B.A. degree from Mount Holyoke College in 1987, Political Science and Spanish Literature
* J.D. degree the University of Connecticut School of Law in 1990
* Admitted to Connecticut Bar, the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
